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We love HGTV for the inspiration and the entertainment, but when you really want to know what you are in for on a home repair project, there is no source like This Old HOUSE.

Unlike many home improvement shows, This Old House spends almost an entire season on just one or two homes. Let's be honest, this is a much more realistic project timeline. The PBS show lacks some of the gloss of the more popular home-improvement shows, but it resists the "flip-it" trend that can lead you to some very unrealistic expectations for your own projects.

The show is based in the northeast, so it is somewhat specific to cold weather climates, but you couldn't get a more knowledgeable team to explain how to seal up your windows.

Currently hosted by Kevin O'Connor and Norm Abram the show posts a new episode weekly on their website and through local broadcasting networks.

As an architect, I personally enjoy perusing the "Home Inspection Nightmares" section of the website. It's a place I go when I need to reassured that whatever project I'm working could be going much much worse. :)

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